grass with snow on it

What Should I Do To Prep My Lawn for Winter?

As the temperatures begin to cool and the leaves start turning here in the Sioux City area , it is time to start thinking about lawn prep for winter. Taking the proper preventative lawn winterizing steps now can help your lawn stay healthy and bounce back strong when spring arrives. Here are some tips to winterize a lawn, presented by the experts at Jay-Lan Lawn Care. 

Need professional help with your lawn care needs? Contact Jay-Lan Lawn Care today for a free quote! 

Why Winter Prep is Important

You can think of winter lawn care as being similar to preventative car maintenance. Proper prep helps prevent winter damage, disease, and stress caused by the inclement Sioux City winter weather, allowing your lawn to emerge in spring healthy and vibrant. A well-prepared lawn is also less susceptible to issues such as weed infestations and requires less maintenance in the long run. 

Clean Up

  • Remove Leaves and Debris: Clear fallen leaves and twigs regularly. These can smother your lawn, which blocks sunlight and creates a breeding ground for harmful pests and diseases. Consider seasonal lawn care solutions like mulching leaves with your mower to add nutrients back into the soil. 

Mow Your Lawn

  • Adjust Mower Height: Lower your mower blades for the final few cuts of the season in late fall. Doing this helps to reduce the risk of snow mold and other weather-related fungal diseases. Aim for a grass height around 2 inches. 


  • Apply Fall and Winter Fertilizer: The next step in preventative lawn maintenance is to apply fall and winter fertilizer for lawn. Doing so provides essential nutrients to help your lawn store energy for the winter and fuel early spring growth. We recommend a high potassium fertilizer to promote root health. 


  • Aerate Your Lawn: If your lawn’s soil is compacted, consider aeration. This creates small holes in the soil, allowing water, air, and nutrients to reach the roots. 


  • Spread Grass Seed: Fall is a great time to overseed your lawn. The overseeding process fills in bare spots and thickens your lawn, making it more resilient to weeds and disease. 


  • Adjust Watering Schedule: As temperatures drop with the transition into winter, reduce watering frequency. Too much water can lead to fungal issues and root rot during winter. Continue to water deeply but less frequently. 

Winterize Irrigation System

  • Prep Irrigation System: If you have an irrigation system, drain it and shut it down properly to prevent freezing and damage. Consult our professionals for proper winterization procedures. 

Soil Testing

  • Test and Improve Soil: Conduct a soil test to assess your lawn’s pH levels and nutrient content. Alter your soil based on the test results to create an ideal environment for health grass growth come spring. 

Let Our Sioux City, IA Lawn Care Experts Assist with Winter Lawn Care Prep

By following these essential winter lawn care preparation tips, you will help ensure that your lawn stays healthy throughout the dormant winter season. When the spring arrives, you’ll be rewarded with a lush lawn that is ready to be enjoyed. 

Contact Jay-Lawn Lawn Care for a free quote today!