How Pre-Emergent Can Keep Your Lawn Looking Great All Year Long

What Is Pre-Emergent Lawn Care?

When the weather warms up, it’s not just animals that come out of hibernation. It’s also a time when plants “wake up,” taking advantage of the warmer temperatures and rainfall to grow and thrive. Sometimes that’s a good thing; after all, who doesn’t love watching the daffodils bloom, or watching our grass turn from a dull yellow to a rich green?

But it’s not just the pretty things that bloom. Foxtail, crabgrass, and broadleaf weeds all bloom — or emerge — around this time as well. Pre-emergent nips the problem in the bud (literally) by killing those weeds off before they have a chance to take hold.

How Does Pre-Emergent Work?

Just like watering and mowing are only two small aspects of lawn care, pre-emergent lawn care is just one facet of a months-long lawn care plan. It’s equal parts science and art, combining the best lawn chemicals and fertilizers available with a timing that’s honed through our years of experience.

Early Spring

We start with pre-emergent treatment for crabgrass and foxtail in early spring, along with the application of fertilizer. This feeds your grass while also ensuring that weeds don’t inhibit its growth.

Late Spring

We’ll return for another balanced fertilizer treatment and perform another treatment for foxtail and crabgrass.

Early Summer

By now, the pre-emergent regimen has done its work and all that should be needed is routine fertilizer application.

Late Summer/Early Fall

In addition to more fertilizer, this is the time of year to address broadleaf weed control.

Late Fall

Even though the weather’s getting colder, it won’t stay that way forever. Using a heavy rate granular fertilizer now means a greener lawn — much earlier — when spring comes again.

Many homeowners make the mistake of applying the wrong lawn chemicals, or using the right tools at the wrong time or in the wrong amounts. We bring forty years’ experience to each homeowner and business we serve, and we’re trusted because we get results!

Other Services

Crabgrass isn’t the only predator — leafy or otherwise — lurking in your lawn. Grubs, pests, moles, invasive grasses, and ornamental weeds are common nuisances as well. We can assist with each.

There’s more, of course. Many of the same Sioux Falls homeowners who rely on us to keep their lawns lush and green also trust us to keep their landscaping, from grass to shrubs and trees, fed, healthy, and and lovely year ‘round. In addition, we offer disease control, power-raking, pruning/trimming, shrub and small tree removal as well as ornamental weed control. All that’s left for you to do is mow! Contact us today for a free lawn care estimate!