2106 3rd Street, Sioux City, IA

Lawn Care Services Blog

October 30, 2018

Pet-Friendly Lawn Treatments To Prevent Pests

At the very least, mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas are a nuisance to humans and pets. But at worst, these disease-carrying insects can have life-threatening consequences for our animal companions. Unfortunately, insecticides can be just as dangerous to pets who spend part of their day rummaging through the grass. For this reason, Jay-Lan Lawn Care in… Read more
August 15, 2018

Lawn Care and Your Home Value

You might be surprised to learn that your lawn care has a direct impact on your home value. Before you tune us out — after all, JayLan Lawn Care is a Siouxland lawn care company — don’t take our word for it. Ask a realtor. That’s what the Washington Post did not too long ago,… Read more
July 30, 2018

How Your Dog May Be Ruining Your Lawn

We love our dogs. They’re entertaining, affectionate, and endearingly goofy. Practically any dog owner will tell you that the best part of their day is coming home to eager eyes and a wagging tail. Their antics make our day. What do they do to our lawns? Not so much. Courtesy of Jay-Lan Lawn Care, here… Read more
Jay-Lan Lawn Care